Stella Artois is made in Belgium and the United States.
Stella Artois is a type of pale lager beer that was first brewed in Leuven, Belgium. This pale lager beer is one of the top-notch selling products in the United States.
More than 18% of drinkers in the United States like Stella Artois. Apart from the United States, Stella Artois is sold in countries like:
- Ireland
- United Kingdom
- Canada
- Australia
The best thing about Stella Artois beer is its transparent appearance. This pilsner-style beer is characteristically gold in color with an evident appearance. Stella Artois is also characterized by a floral to spicy hop aroma.
Compared with other brands, a strong lager has made Stella Artois different. Containing 5.2% alcohol by volume, Stella Artois beer has become more vital than mainstream lagers.
In the advanced manufacturing plants, Stella Artois manufacturers use the below ingredients:
- Hops
- Maize
- Malted Barley
- Water
- Yeast
For the fermentation process, the manufacturers use Yeast. Before packaging, they remove the Yeast.
While producing Stella Artois, the manufacturers don’t use rice. Thus, Stella Artois is a pilsner-type alcoholic.
In short, Stella Artois beer is manufactured in Belgium and the United States using quality ingredients.
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Where is Stella Artois brewed in the USA?
Anheuser-Busch brews Stella Artois in the USA. But the exact location is still under research.
Stella Artois originates in Leuven, Belgium. Much of the beer is exported from Europe. After producing in Belgium, Stella Artois is packaged in the Beck’s Brewery in Bremen, Germany.
For the Australian market, Lion brews Stella Artois in their production facilities. In terms of the United States, Anheuser-Busch brews Stella Artois in the United States.
Nonetheless, Anheuser-Busch didn’t share the exact location of their production facilities. Consequently, we are still researching where Anheuser-Busch brews Stella Artois.
Who brews Stella Artois in the US?
Anheuser-Busch brews Stella Artois in the United States.
Headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, Anheuser-Busch brews Stella Artois in the United States. Stella Artois and Anheuser-Busch are the sister companies under Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV.
In 1852, Adolphus Busch and Eberhard Anheuser founded Anheuser-Busch Companies in St. Louis, Missouri. Under the leadership of Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, Anheuser-Busch brews in 12 locations.
However, the exact location of Stella Artois breweries in the United States is still under research. Under the parent company, Anheuser-Busch brews Stella Artois in the United States.
Where is Stella Artois from?
Stella Artois is from Leuven, Belgium.
More than 97 years ago, Stella Artois was introduced in Leuven, Belgium. The Stella Artois manufacturers in Belgium relate it to a rich Belgium heritage.
Throughout history, the Den Hoorn brewery in Leuven, Belgium, first introduced Stella Artois. Over 600 years ago, the brand traces its origins.
Later, Brouwerji Artois launched Stella Artois as a Christmas beer. The beer was named after the Christmas star.
In 1930, Stella Artois eventually became available in the European market. Within 30 years, about 100 million gallons of Stella Artois were produced every year.
In 1976, Whitebread began brewing Stella Artois under contract in the United Kingdom. Later, Interbrew moved the production of Stella Artois into a new, fully automated brewery in Leuven.
In short, Stella Artois is from Leuven, Belgium.
Is Stella Artois French or Italian?
Stella Artois is neither French nor Italian. The brand originated in Belgium.
The manufacturers of Stella Artois describe it as a brand of Belgian heritage. In 1926 the Artois Brewery invented Stella Artois in Leuven, Belgium. Thus, it is a Belgium beer in its roots.
Stella Artois has a significant market demand in France and Italy. Nonetheless, the brand has no production facilities in France or Italy.
After producing in Belgium and the United States, Stella Artois exports its beer to the United Kingdom, France, and Italy. Thus, Stella Artois is neither French nor Italian.
What country owns Stella Artois?
Belgium owns Stella Artois.
Stella Artois is of Belgian heritage. The brand originated over 600 years ago. In 1366, Stella Artois was born in the Den Hoorn brewery in Leuven, Belgium.
The manufacturers of Stella Artois produce the original flavor of Stella Artois in Belgium. Since 2008, Stella Artois has been manufactured in the United States.
Consequently, Stella Artois has become a product of Belgium and the United States. Nonetheless, Belgium still holds the ownership right.
Does Budweiser own Stella Artois?
The answer is NO. Budweiser does not own Stella Artois. Instead, Budweiser is a sister company of Stella Artois.
Anheuser-Busch InBev owns Stella Artois today. The company is a Belgium multinational drink and brewing company.
Apart from Stella Artois, Anheuser-Busch InBev owns beverage brands like:
- Budweiser
- Corona
- Beck’s
- Leffe
- Hoegaarden
Anheuser-Busch InBev also produces beer for its subsidiaries. Thus, Anheuser-Busch InBev is the manufacturer of Stella Artois.
In 2019, Anheuser-Busch InBev generated record revenue of $52.33 billion from its subsidiaries.
In short, Budweiser does not own Stella Artois. The brand is a sister company of Stella Artois.